5 thoughts on “Who knew?”

  1. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: It doesn’t matter how many readers who have, but who your readers are.

    A huge chunk of my site’s traffic comes from people googling for things, and a big chunk of those Google terms really shouldn’t be leading them to my site. So that’s basically useless traffic.

    Your website, I’ll warrant, has a readership that consists almost entirely of people who intend to read your site, and who benefit from the information that you provide on it.

  2. You are kind to say so. We write this stuff because it is interesting to US. How delightful that others apparently think so, too.

  3. Count me among those who head over here every time I see a new post pop up. You guys are doing a great job and I think it’s absolutely wonderful that you are participating in the blogsphere.

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