Start. Stop. Repeat.

With one week before we adjourn sine die, it’s almost impossible to predict how long our daily floor sessions will run. That’s because we are coming to the time when the “bi” in “bicameral” comes in.

In many cases, the House can’t take action on a piece of legislation until the Senate has acted. Or both houses need to consider all revenue bills before a deadline.

This week, blogger Jim Hoeft of Bearing Drift came to Richmond and tried to stop by to see me. We emailed back and forth for six hours. (“I’m sitting in Senate Finance and can’t come by now. How about in an hour?” “Nope, I have to present a bill then.”) In the end, we never did connect.

That will be the case from now until Saturday. So if you come to Richmond, be flexible about your schedule. We have learned that this week, schedules are merely aspirational documents!