Never mind

When last we visited the subject of Virginia’s enormous diversity …

Here’s further proof. The issue was Del. Ed Scott’s HB 2635, which provided “that a person who maliciously removes an electronic radio transmitting collar from a dog is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor; however, if the animal wearing the collar is lost or killed as a result of the collar theft, the person is guilty of a Class 6 felony. ”

Now, I love dogs as much as the next person. But it seemed to me (and to many other suburbanites) that we really shouldn’t create a felony for someone who removes those little collars that keep Fluffy from running into the street.

Well. Turns out those are radio receiving collars. The radio transmitting collars cost tens of thousands of dollars. Sounds like a felony to me.

As Emily Litella said, “Never mind.” The bill passed 92-6

2 thoughts on “Never mind”

  1. Sounds like it ought to be a felony regardless of the result for poor Fido.

    $10,000+ equipment would be serious theft!

    Why on earth would anyone “maliciously” remove any of these collars anyway!?

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